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How to build credit -- Student loans and credit cards

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If you are able to afford one, student loans can be a great way to build your credit. You can repay the loan immediately without any interest and it will open your credit file. It is important to repay it on time. If you are unable or unwilling to pay your full loan amount, you might consider another credit option to help pay for school.

Payment of outstanding balances

You can improve your credit score by paying down all of your accounts' balances on a regular basis. By making minimum payments on each of your cards and then putting any extra money aside to pay off the next highest balance, you can improve your credit score. This will also help you to improve your payment history which can boost your credit score.

Before you can start paying down your debts, first calculate the amount you owe on each credit card and how much income you can afford each month. Financial advisors recommend starting with the lowest balances. You can continue to make minimum payments on any other cards. Identify which of the balances has the lowest interest rate, and make a payment to that account each month until the balance is paid off.

Diversifying your credit lines

Increasing your credit line diversity is an important way to boost your credit score. A varied credit portfolio shows creditors you are capable of handling multiple credit types responsibly. Ideally, you should open several types of credit, and try to keep some old accounts open. This shows your discipline and ability to maintain multiple credit accounts.

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It is important not to exceed your credit limit on any line of credit, even installment loans. You can show lenders that your ability to manage multiple credit types by getting a car loan or personal loan with an agreed upon repayment plan. However, it's important to remember that too many new lines of credit may raise red flags with some lenders.

Making on-time payments

On-time payments on all of your credit accounts are the best way build credit history. While it might take time, a record of paying on-time on all your credit accounts will improve you overall score. Your history of timely payments will be more beneficial. Your credit history is responsible for 15% of your FICO credit score.

Building credit is all about your payment history. FICO claims that payments are responsible for 35 percent to your credit score. So it is vital to make timely payments on all your bills, regardless how small or large they may be. Set up automatic payments to make sure your payments are timely. This allows you schedule your payments so that your bank account automatically debits your payment on or before the due date. This will enable you to eliminate the need to have extra cash to pay your bills.

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While student loans can help you build credit, be careful not too much. Multiple credit card applications can damage your credit score. It's better not to have multiple cards with high limits than one or two.

One of the best ways to build credit is to make your payments on time, and avoid late payments. You'll pay less interest on student loans, which will allow you to pay them off quicker. However, late payments can hurt your credit score.

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Applying for a credit card

Credit cards can be beneficial for many reasons. They can help you build your credit or establish a line. A credit card responsibly will help you keep your credit score high over the long-term. Pay your bills on time, keep your balance low and avoid applying for too many credit cards at once. This is particularly important for households with multiple borrowers, as the issuer may assess all partners using the same composite credit score.

Students credit cards are an excellent way to start building credit history. These cards are simple to apply for and usually come with no annual fees. The card can be approved fast as long as there is no balance.


How to build credit -- Student loans and credit cards